Writing worksheets can make pantsing a novel easier!  A woman sits on the shore of a lake, writing a story.

Image © by Tamara Dragovic

I’m readying the “Writing Worksheets for Pantsers” bundle in a few weeks.  This is a first look at what’s going to be in the bundle.

The worksheets:

  1. Reverse Outline (50 worksheets)
  2. Setting Worksheet (25 worksheets) (Thanks, Peggy!)
  3. Character Worksheet (25 worksheets)
  4. Character List (1 worksheet)

If you think the number of worksheets for 1-3 should be more, let me know.  I’m just guessing at what writers will need.

I’m also including the following:

  1. Instructions for each worksheet! 
  2. What is pantsing?
  3. Cycling: The Pantser’s Toolkit

Are there any burning questions you have on pantsing or cycling?  Most of what I’ve seen on pantsing is explained by someone who’s never done it.  Included is why pantser stories can look messy and chaotic—and it’s not because the story wasn’t outlined!  But it is fixable without major revision (trust me on that one.  I’ve had way too much practice at it).

I’ll also have a separate bundle of 12 worksheets for word count tracking.  I can’t do tracking like this myself since it brings out my inner critic, but this is popular with a lot of writers.  These are for the lazy writer.  You don’t have to create a spreadsheet and fuss with formulas.  These will give you the total for each month.  All you have to do is plug your numbers in.